Thomas 5 was at the birth of his little sister Sept just gone. We prepared by talking about birth and looking at a video and some pictures. He had no problems about the ladies making "noise" but wasn't too keen on the plancenta.

He gave us a funny moment when I found a clip on the internet of the final minute (or so) of a woman giving birth - he thought it was great and kept saying "play it again, play it again".  The poor woman gave birth about 20 times.  That weekend Grandma came to visit and Thomas announced "I know how babies come out", we all waited with bated breath for birth according to a 5yo and then he told her "you just press the mouse button"!!!

As for the actual birth we woke him up to come with us as he had given us specific instructions he was not to be left alone.  I was in transition in the car and asked him (or anyone else) not to speak to me while I was making my "moans".  He had no problem with this and after each contraction would ask "can I talk again now Mummy" and then just continue with his nattering.

At the hospital he mostly sat in the delivery room playing on a mat with his trucks while I laboured in the shower and later the bath.  He would stick his head in every few minutes just to see how things were going and then went back to playing trucks.  We asked him if he wanted to come in to see the baby born to which he replied "no its ok I am playing at the moment I will see her soon".  After she was born he was absolutely fascinated by her and even wanted to see the placenta which he told us looked like "meat".  He was so matter a fact about the whole thing which surprised us - I think he was the calmest one there :-)


>From: "Robyn Borgas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [ozmidwifery] Re: [Children Present at Births)
>Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:56:56 +1100
>Hi sarah,
>My daughter Nicole was 41/2 years old at the birth of her sister.
>I've found children are very accepting of birth when you treat it as a
>'special family' event, not something to be frightened of.
>I talked to her about the noises I would make, that I would be in the bath
>(once I'm in labour and in the water you cannot get me out !), showed her a
>waterbirth video and some books. I let her lead the way in showing her
>interest when she wanted to watch the videos and talk about the birth.
>What a way for a mother to share such a precious time with her daughter,
>their freindship was evident right from birth and still continues 6 months
>on !
>Go with your heart as only you know best whether your children would be
>comfortable being present at your next birth. Ask them.
>Warm regards Robyn
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