unprepared? little tacker did a damn sight better than a lot of the obs we read about on this list!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Rhonda
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Re: [Children Present at Births)

This reminded me of a woman I know who had not intended her 2yr old son to be at the birth of her second child.
When she went into labour she could not get hold of her back up child care.
So they went to the hospital and hubby had the 2yr old - trying to call for someone to help.
To cut it short - a fast labour 21/2 hrs with 2 yr old running about delivery room - turning the lights off and on while baby was born.
She was shocked that the nurses didn't even assist with loking after him.
This was   about 11 yrs ago but she still laughs about yeling at her son to "turn the light back on" between pushing. 
 He was totally unprepared and a little too young to be unattended while Dad helped her.

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