I have seen many children at births. It is magical to watch. The calmness of some and the emotional intensity of others. I really love having children present.


This week.. a little girl (3yrs).. standing by the side of the birth pool.. a felt mouse in her hand.. ‘mouse in a little bit worried now’.. I tell her that her mum is so clever because she know’s the right noises to help the baby be born.. (I avoid trying to explain the pain.. but good pain to little ones) .. at this point her divine mother is making deep guttural moaning and then tells us that the baby is right down and nearly out  .. so I say to the little girl.. ‘mouse can get excited now because the baby is nearly out’ and how clever her mother is.. the little girl.. then has mouse dancing along the edge of the birth pool… a moment later the baby is beginning to emerge and through the water we can see a face ..… the other little girl (5yrs) asks.. why the other midwife has her hand in the water.. and I say she is going to help the baby be birthed… she squints hard through the water.. in the muted light.. and then states very clearly… Sally that is not the baby that is my mummy’s foot ..  then she looks a bit  harder and says.. oh.. there’s the baby!!


So so cute….


Another memorable child.. 


Her mother is standing leaning over a high bed facing the doorway… the babe is crowned… about to emerge.. I’m sitting quietly.. waiting to catch the baby.. and the 3 year old comes running in through the door way.. kisses mummy.. then crawls through her legs, sits on my lap and put her hands in mine to support her baby sister as she emerges and helps pass the baby to her mother…  Exceptional.


Such magical moments that I am privileged enough to be a part of.


In peace and joy


Sally Westbury




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