Hi Rhonda,
Yep - there is a difference isnt there - I reckon I couldnt have stopped my boys when they were ready - one discovered the fruit cupboard at a crawling age (it was low down) and used to leave little teeth marks in the apples -Id discover a little bum sticking out of the cupboard!
Chasing a kid with a dried apricot!! What power for her. We can create battles cant we -sad that none of these problems are necessary if we lighten up.
From: Rhonda
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] solids for 11mth old

Yes, some wont eat - but it is important to offer - there is a difference between offering and force feeding dear.  Making food acceptable and available - some people just don't offer (there is a huge difference).
I also know of a child who at 3yrs was almost solely breast fed because they were so keen onbreast feeding they didn't let her eat until 12 months and then she was not interested and she was very underweight - now at 12yrs (I gather she is not still breast fed!) but she is very over weight, quite an eating disorder.  Hmm! 
But, Mum and Dad used to chase her around the house to get her to have a nibble of a dried apricot etc. *grin* 
So, I agree with the entire attitude thing but still think it is important to 'offer' from a young age - and as I said even that taste of vegi's 1/2 a tspoon a day (even if they spit it out) educates the taste buds and makes food acceptable.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Wednesday, 03 September 2003 07:57:45 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] solids for 11mth old
Hi Ronda,
i beg to differ - actually some babies wont touch solids despite them being available -my daughter (now 23 and a healthy vegetarian who has no eating disorders or food fusses and didnt as a child)  had two siblings to copy and was always at the table on my lap at meals and offered food -this baby would reach for a toy and chew on it but refused any offer of solids until 11 months . She had been a colicky baby who reacted to foods - particularly citrus in my diet up to 6 months so I surmised she was possibly allergic -yet at the later age she didnt react or refuse any foods once she started to gradually eat.
I have known lots of babies within La Leche League (I was a group leader for 14 years) who took solids much later (in the second half of their first year) and only ever saw one who showed signs of lethargy -this bub had a vegan mum and after the mum had B12 injections the baby remarkably became energised and crawled etc within days. All the other bubs who started foods later were healthy happy kids and didnt have any food fights or fussiness as toddlers -I think the parents attitude (ie forcing) creates more eating problems since it can be more of a power reaction/ battle. When we are relaxed and following the baby's lead - whether it be with eating or sleeping etc - we avoid battles over such natural functions .
I do agree though that good old fruit and veges would be a great start.  
----- Original Message -----
From: Rhonda
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] solids for 11mth old

What ever happened to good old vegetables and fruit?
Mashed Vegi's and stewed fruit would be a good start - I used to pressure cook the vegi's - use the juice to mash them and then cool what was left of the juice as a very healthy drink - my babies loved it. 
Also mention if left too long to introduce new tastes and experiences, it may cause eating problems, digestive problems and eating disorders.
My 4 yr old boy started on mashed vegi's at about 6 - 7 months now loves broccoli and peas and my daughter started eating a little younger and at nine she eats anything - asparagus, brussel sprouts, pumpkin, salad, letuce, celery, tomatoes - not so keen on lollies.
She was prem and started solids at a corrected 3 months, actual 6 months and has absolutely no dietary or eating problems.  My son was full term and is so fussy compared to her but still pinches the broccoli off everyone elses plate, have to eat quick or he gets it.  LOL.
From about 6 to 8 months they do need to introduce some food even if it is just one spoon a day - it is important to start with something.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Monday, 01 September 2003 11:25:19 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] solids for 11mth old
a mother who is fully b/f her baby on demand at 11 months is asking me why her daughter has to have food? I chatted about fe oral experiences teeth social and food experiences.
the mother would like a ref for introducing solids that are organic and wheat and diary free any good info or web sites etc jan
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