and their justification for such a policy is what???? The only reason to even consider NBM during labour is when considering the risk of Mendelsohn's syndrome, and the risk for that is present with general anaesthesia. since somebody having an epidurla is highly unlikely to require a GA why on earth prevent them from eating? do they have statistics on the percentage of women who go from having an epidural to then requiring a GA?
Mendelsohn's, even if the risk exists, is now known to still be a risk even when NBM is followed. Good anaesthetic procedure is more improtant than any other factor. Having a policy of NBM does NOT prevent aspiration of stomach contents, reduce acidity of stomach contents or ensuring an empty stomach.
Are the anaesthetists saying something about their confidence in their own anaesthetic technique?
Nikki Macfarlane
Director, Childbrith International
---- Original Message ----
From: ljg
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Urgent: Need Info on Eating In Labour Policies

> Hi all
> Need some information from hospital based midwives re: your unit’s
> policies in regards to women eating in labour. Need this info by
> Wednesday – our anaesthetic department have taken it upon themselves
> to direct midwives to keep women who have epidurals NBM, and I’m sure
> there will be further in regards to women who don’t have epidurals.
> If you could email me off list with what you policy says and where
> you are from I would greatly appreciate it! Ahh the battle goes
> on!!!!!!      
> Lisa g

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