One of the more interesting diets in labour that I witnessed was from a much villified 
sub-cultural group in our society who ate fried potatoes dusted with a wide variety of 
seasonings washed down with a foul black sticky liquid which they swore was the only 
food they could keep down.

(Teenagers just love BBQ chips and coke, and even in labour found it a source of ready 


=?iso-8859-1?q?Jen=20Semple?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Wow, it's interesting that 
women are even restricted from eating solid foods while they're labouring... the 
Cochrane folks, Enkin et al. (2000) Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy & Childbirth. 
(3rd ed, Oxford University Press) have a whole section on nutrition in labour (pp. 
259- 263).&nbsp; It can be downloaded from
> &nbsp;
> The gist is "...except for women at high risk of needing general anaesthesia, the 
> benefits of nourishment in accordance with women's wishes far outweigh the possible 
> benefits of more restrictive policies." (p. 259).
> &nbsp;
> In the two hospitals I've done my clinical placements, women have been encouraged to 
> drink to thirst & eat to hunger (lightly).
> &nbsp;
> Here's to evidence-based practice!
> &nbsp;
> Jen
> 3rd year BMid student, MelbourneJoFromOz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> Women are allowed water, black tea, that kind of thing.&nbsp; Whether epidural or 
> not. Inductions are more strict though, water only.&nbsp; I had to beg a doc to let 
> my labouring woman have a barley sugar...
> &nbsp;
> Jo
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Trish David FACM
Senior Lecturer Midwifery and Nursing
Monash University School of Nursing
Gippsland Campus
Northways Road
Churchill 3842
(03) 5122 6839
0418 994033
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