Nat one birth is not a reason to change from the gold standard of midwifery care (unless the CP you've chosen is substandard) to the lottery which exists in institutions. What your friend experienced was good STAFF not good SYSTEM or model of care. Sounds like good debriefing is going to benefit you a lot more than choosing a comparatively poor way to birth over hb. There is back up for hbs, it's called hospital TF and it's a lot easier to go into one when you need it than to walk away from one that you don't need. Most healthy women don't need hospitals. Get some really good debriefing and support and have your own beautiful birth which other births have no bearing on! You can't control what happens in birth but you can control what happens in your home. Most PPH occur in hospitals so it's not really a way to avoid it, is it?
Some deep thought about why this has thrown you off balance would be good, as would a frank discussion with your MW about her ways of dealing with the kinds of complications you saw. Your own beliefs around your body and birthing potential seem to have been shaken by these sad events and it would be a shame to not work through them and use them to enhance both your private life and your professional life. The woman in question is going to need a LOT of postbirth support, for example. You may find "Birthing from within" helpful to you while you work through your issues.
It's not surprising to be really rocked by events you're describing, but it's not a reason in and of itself to step into an institution which simply cannot provide you with the kind of care a MW in your home can.
Best wishes with your processing, please feel free to come along to Joyous Birth and chat there. Lots of MWs and many consumers who've been on similar journeys to yours.

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