For every bad birth you have attended I bet there have been more good ones. Yesterday I attended two births at home.  The first was primip who had a lovely water birth of a 3560 baby boy who slid out into her own hands.  The labour was calm and gentle, but hard work of course.  This lady had prepared herself by being fit (cycling) and using relaxation tapes to calm her mind.  It was difficult to tell when she had passed into 2nd stage and she firmly but gently pushed with her contractions. Physiological 3rd stage. Her blood loss was less than 100mls.  The second lady had her first baby in a birth centre…a good birth, but this time wanted a homebirth.  Another lovely waterbirth followed a 2 hr labour.  normal type blood loss after a physiological 3rd stage.  We make our own reality, so prepare for this birth by using techniques which calm the mind and tone the body.  Employ a midwife you trust and then “get on with it”.  All the best, MM

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