Hi Nat
I am a mid student also and a doula
It sounds like some (or some more) debriefing would be a good idea?
Looking at what your fears are. What are the possibilities of those things?
where are they more likely to occur? Have you got anyone experienced with this type of work who can support you to work through this? Depending on where you are there may be some suggestions for you.
What caused the "horrific labour" and complications, was it a home birth or a hospital birth?
Very quickly as it is late. e.g of my train of thought atm. You are more likely to have a c-section by being in a birth centre or hospital. With c-sections you are more likely to end up with a hysterectomy etc.
Depending on your homebirth midwife and other factors such as how far is the nearest hospital, transfer rates are still MUCH lower in homebirth (something like 3%-15%) . Your chances of having a beautiful uninterfered with birth are much better at home.
Things occasionally go pear shaped in birth wherever you are, home or hospital.
Would you really be safer in hospital?
But it really comes down to how YOU FEEL
Warm regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 9:11 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] FW: Birthcentre/ homebirth


From: Stepney, Natalie Anita - stena001
Sent: Fri 23/06/2006 7:00 PM
To: OZMidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Birthcentre/ homebirth

I'm a mid student in my last year and 20 weeks pregnant.
I'm planning a homebirth, but since being present at a horrific labour which culminated in the woman having a hysterectomy and two days intubated in ICU following severe bleeding post partumly. Im having second thoughts.
I was honoured to be present at my best friends water birth monday night in a birth centre. I'm thinking that maybe I should go that way, as there is back-up.
I would like some professional opinions please.
Cheers Nat

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