Did you read Kath's story that I submitted to the list last week. For every bad birth yo have attended I bet there have been more good ones. Most midwives will not see a woman who requires a hysterectomy following birth in their whole careers let alone see more than one in one year so you have seen yours. Keep it in perspective where it belongs, learn from the experience but don't allow the fear to consume you as you also know how destructive this can be in labour. 
You will be at some great births between now and when you need to make a definite decision about place of birth although you may not make the decision until you are in labour. The most important decision is to choose your caregiver carefully and let your feelings about all this evolve with time
Good luck
Andrea Q
On 23/06/2006, at 9:11 PM, Stepney, Natalie Anita - stena001 wrote:


From: Stepney, Natalie Anita - stena001
Sent: Fri 23/06/2006 7:00 PM
To: OZMidwifery@acegraphics.com.au
Subject: Birthcentre/ homebirth

I'm a mid student in my last year and 20 weeks pregnant.
I'm planning a homebirth, but since being present at a horrific labour which culminated in the woman having a hysterectomy and two days intubated in ICU following severe bleeding post partumly. Im having second thoughts.
I was honoured to be present at my best friends water birth monday night in a birth centre. I'm thinking that maybe I should go that way, as there is back-up.
I would like some professional opinions please.
Cheers Nat

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