I think it depends on the womans care-giver & his personal stance.
I have 4 women due this month who are having VBACs & they each have  a different Dr who has a different set of guidelines.
The one in hospital at the moment with PIH is being pressured to accept ARM as IOL (with an unripe Cx, now there is a recipe for 'failed IOL" if ever I saw one) because she is 40+4. If she chooses to wait (& her PIH doesn't worsen) she is booked for C/S regardless of condition at 41/40.
If her PIH worsens she will consent to El C/S anytime but wants to wait if stable.
She understands well that surgery cannot be performed without her consent. However, obviously she wants to do what's best for her baby.
They are really under the pump aren't they ?
 It's not conducive to any 'hormonal release' that's for sure.
With kind regards
Brenda Manning
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 8:25 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Trial of Scar

Just wondering what guidelines exist for trial of scar… a woman on my site said that she has been given until 41 weeks to give birth or she’ll be having another caesarean. Is this right? I am sure I have heard otherwise and seen otherwise…

Best Regards,

Kelly Zantey
Gentle Solutions From Conception to Parenthood
BellyBelly Birth Support -


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