Woohoo 7! I read the stories of a US woman online the other day who has had 11 c-secs - so far. No thoughts of anything else after the initial surgery. Rather sad and dangerous, I thought.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Trial of Scar

I recall a woman in Canberra about 6 years ago who had her 8th baby at home after 7 c/sections.
Take heart,

My sister had a lscs for pih / failed induction (don't ask) and then went on to have a failed attempt at a VBAC (same Dr) he noted a thin lower segment. I agree with the natural state theory and discussed this thought with my sister, as the dr advised her not to have any more children suggesting that she was at risk of uterine rupture.
She has since moved to Brisbane, had another lscs, and the OB never mentioned anything unusual with her uterus.
She is now trying to fall pregnant with her 4th.

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