Hi Mary,

>> If midwives actually ask for this larger payment, would women still want to 
>> have their services?    

I think women still want their services, but Sydney midwives are way out of 
some mamas price range.  

> Women now have an income from the Government that would pay for the midwife,
> but many parents see this as a payment to relieve the mortgage, clear debt
> or buy a big TV.  

Or, some women use that money so they can stay at home longer with their new 
bub. For my sis, in sydney, it was a choice between having a very much wanted 
homebirth and only being able to stay at home with her bub for 6 weeks or 
birthing in a birth centre and being able to stay at home for 6 months. 

the money from the government, despite what some people may do with it, is a 
generous offer to help out with the costs of staying at home with a new baby. 
It seems that in Sydney, midwives prices have gone up whenever the baby bonus 
has gone up. I think it is really sad that women in Sydney have to pay more and 
use more of that money when women allover the rest of the country get to have a 
homebirth and also have the benefits of reduced stress levels because of the 
leftover baby bonus they receive.

I think midwives are worth it if a woman so desires, but I don't see how come 
Sydney midwives are worth soooo much more??

Abby xo
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