On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 02:16:07PM -0800, coderman wrote:
> i suppose this highlights a prejudice of mine: that nodes within
> unstructured graphs scale according to capability (and thus high
> degrees and power laws emerge from aggregate node behavior) and this
> in turn is more resilient than highly structured networks which assign
> identifier space in a much more homogeneous and fragile manner.

I think the key difference is how the search/lookup is conducted, and
not the structure of the graph.  If you use flooding over a DHT, the
DHT will be just as resilient.  The resiliency difficulties of DHTs
are result of wanting the additional constraint that you need the
DHT-style lookup to go to one particular node.  There really isn't any
risk of the graph fragmenting into tiny pieces.

Daniel Stutzbach                           Computer Science Ph.D Student
http://www.barsoom.org/~agthorr                     University of Oregon
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