On 4/12/06, Kevin Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... Just to clarify one point, Credence strives hard to NOT be a
> recommender system or referral system. I know the problems such systems
> have, and we definitely put some thought into making credence not fall
> into the same traps. But I will be interested to see if some of those
> papers have something relevant to Credence's model.

i think you'll find there is a lot more similarity than expected.  the
main differences i've encountered seem to be pull vs. push and user
interaction.  the metrics and techniques used inside are often
applicable to a wide variety of applications. (that is, the process
that leads to recommendation is just as easily tied to a positive
reputation.  the feedback / metrics are often applicable to both)

when you mentioned the update, did you mean code and not the paper?  i
see reference to the NSDI paper here:
http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/egs/credence/paper.html but no link. 
(do they require no prior publication?)

thanks again for the explanations and pointers.
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