Aaron Ardiri escreveu:
Lua means writing in a new language tho - and, unless you are doing
pre-parsing before installing to the device - it means you'll be acting
as an interpreter (even converting into a bytecode requires interpreter)
[ie: Java]

That's right. Although Lua has a very small footprint, and can be precompiled to gain speed of execution, it's a new interpreted language. But with a very small learning curve as well. I've learned it in 2 days.

what we did was to say "well, write C code", and, we'll compile it
natively to the platform you desire.. this means 100% speed, and we
currently support:

That's right again. C means speed. If you have a good development team, you can do it. Bad for us, here in Brazil we lack a good set of C-programmers.

when it comes to games, you need speed.

Well, that's right on what platform targets you have. Lua is very straight to C, and have a loss of performance (compared to c) of 20-30%, depending on witch application you're developing. Some games doens't demand that speed gain.

Just my thoughts about it... :) Not a flamewar, I still think C is better than anything, but there are times you've got to be more flexible.

-- J. Machado

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