Hello Martin,
hello girls and boys ..

i'd like to ask if is known there any closer informations about
"The patchdiag.xref file and the automatic download of patches, which
are required by PCA, will continue to be supported."

current state could be clearly described as: a pile of shiny news but
dusk reality all around .. pca (sunsolve in manner which pca needs) is
not working now, didn't work yesterday and was working like trash last
week - sometimes - or just didn't work at all ..

tell us truth martin !! i need to admit, that i'm not ready to face to
your possible saying that PCA is ended, but it's still better then my
actual everydays meekness if it will or won't work in that moment ..

regards, daniel

ps. ^^ i've played it up a bit ;)

Best Regards / S Pozdravem

Daniel Pecka
SunOS Specialist, UNIX Administrator


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