On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, George Ker wrote:
>  I recommend for terms like: Object, Atom Box, Symbol, Bang, Slider, Patch
>> etc that no Greek translation should be done. Yes, of course I know what an
>> "Object" means , and "Atom Box" could easily be translated, but wouldn't it
>> be a drawback for users?
> When I originally got 17 translations of Pd some years ago, what I received
> mostly translated "Slider" into their own language (a majority of the 16
> non-English language files), instead of keeping it as-is. It depends on
> which word. Toggle was less often translated, and Bang was almost always
> kept as-is.
> I think it's mostly better to translate the words than not, even though a
> fair amount of the population sticks with English just so that the computer
> vocabulary is in English. There is plenty of room for localisations that
> would use the English words for computer vocabulary, but somehow, it seems
> no-one ever bothers making any.
> I live in a society where the opposition between the two manners of
> speaking is intense. Basically, we're so self-conscious about how much
> English we use in talking about computer things, that we can't possibly
> write a book with those words: all those words have to be translated to
> French. AFAIK, other places in the world are becoming more sensitive to
> that. I just happened to live in a place where it mattered more and it
> mattered earlier.
>  Even for me, the translator of the app would be confusing if all tutorials
>> / help patches/ lists were using them... and then I had to face with terms:
>> Object, Slider, Patch, DSP etc translated in Greek language in my installed
>> App! I asked a friend of mine and he wouldn't use the translated app either!
>> I find it like translating the MIDI acronyms. Too ugly and scary...
> Where's the ugliness coming from? a shame insidiously infused into your
> people by the American Empire? You didn't question the beauty of the English
> words when you learned them, did you? I didn't either. I talk like that
> because it's a problem that I'm all too familiar with. It took me a long
> time to figure out the "ugliness" factor... and factor it out... to the
> extent that we can.
> Besides, much of my computer is running in English, because I've ran it in
> English for way too long, out of habit, just like you; yet if I set up Linux
> in some (French-language) institution, I install it in French without asking
> anyone's advice. It's just normal. I may switch my own computer to French
> someday, and I already switched the default language of webpages to be
> French (but it only works on multilanguage pages that support it and detect
> it).

;o) yes first of all "ordinateur"... it's great how French are keeping their
language alive and independent,
However I did "bother" translate all terms (except the infamous Bang...) to
Hungarian but then I thought it's just no go because most of Pd will still
be English and element names will forever remain english as well as most of
the help files, tutorials, abstractions etc...
So what i did was that i have discarded my Hungarian translations and left
the English ones for these.
It's like, if a box is labeled "Emergency Survival Kit" the instructions
should not tell people to look for the box called "Vészhelyzeti Túlélő
Csomag" as they might never find it 8-)
It has nothing to do with the American Empire! ;o)

 I don't mind about the licence but wouldn't it be right for me to impress
> girls in my college more easily after my work in translation of the PD
> app????

Contrast this with the DesireData translations in which not only the
> translator's name is at the top of the file, it's also in Help->About. I am
> very proud of having gotten translations. But then, DesireData's
> translations cover much more than 10 times the amount of text that Hans'
> project does. Perhaps it's a matter of scale and eventually more translators
> would demand that credit is given where credit is due.

F*k credits and George i rather give you some advice for picking up college
girls (it's easy!) ;o)
Anyway Gtranslator works fine and you can set yourself up in

        -The last and more serious problem is that I can't test my gr.po
> file. Everything needs to be done with sudo to run and be installed properly

>From the experience of my own project, I can say it's a lot nicer to be able
> to test things without having to do "make install".
> To skip the sudo, you could use ./configure's --prefix option combined with
> a custom PATH (if you need one).
Huh, and I did not test. I just wouldn't break my nice working .deb
installation now.

Muranyi Andras
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