It should be ms


On 2012-01-25 16:47, Max wrote:
i can do that - but which norm do we agree on, ms or msec?
i vote for ms, any objections?


Am 25.01.2012 um 22:43 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:

That would be good to have in a bug report, or even better, a patch to apply to 


On Jan 25, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Max wrote:

also inconsistent: milliseconds are sometimes abbreviated (ms) and at other 
places (msec)

Am 25.01.2012 um 17:01 schrieb Max:

One reason to leave those blank would be that corrections in the original would 
be immediately in the translation.
There is a lot which is inconsistent, for example that all items in the menu 
are capitalized, only the contents in the Media menu stand out.


Am 25.01.2012 um 16:44 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
That seems to depend on the translators and editing software.  I don't think 
there is a strong technical reason to do it either way.  transifex encourages 
people to copy over the English untranslated rather than leave it blank since 
it has those progress bars that only count fields that have content in them.


On Jan 25, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Max wrote:

Hi Hans,

in case the translation is identical to the template, then the 
translation-field should better be left empty or should be copied anyway?


Am 25.01.2012 um 03:38 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:

Actually, the first complete translation was en_CA. People like their own 
languages with all the details. I say the more the merrier, let people have it 
the way they like it :-)  Maybe I'll make a de_US and make my own translation 
in my bastard German .  Or Amish German. ;)


On Jan 24, 2012, at 5:33 PM, Max wrote:

¡Hola Jaime!

the system is locking the ones which are worked on.
if you look at the overview page
you can see which ones are currently locked.
when clicking on them it will tell you for how many more minutes the lock is 

i don't know how significant the differences between mexican and castilian are, 
but someone decided to make a mexican translation first. i recon that was 
rather a political statement then a practical thinking.

i did some small corrections on both such as adding the ¡ and ¿ symbols at the 
beginnings of exclamations and questions.


Am 24.01.2012 um 19:20 schrieb Jaime Oliver:

Hi all,

I am trying to get to the translation, but cannot for some reason.

I get a warning: "This translation is locked by someone else."

Are we not trying to achieve a single spanish translation?



On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Max<>  wrote:
there was a finished mexican translation, so i took the contents of that and 
filled the gaps of the spanish (castilian) translation.
spaniards please check if that's correct:


Am 22.01.2012 um 21:35 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:

transifex is a great place to start, post here with any questions.  We're all 
learning it.  But so far, I've found it straightforward except for a couple 
small things with the navigation.


On Jan 22, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Björn Eriksson wrote:

Hello Hans-Christoph!
Sorry for not getting back to you before now...
1st: thanks for explaining!  Now it´s clear about what´s the translation 
activities are about!
2nd: I think what might be possible is to start with a transifex translation 
work - and from there see how things go
3rd:  Yeah... Floss manuals would be great to translate. I think all these 
things will be a matter of available time. I will start with the transifex soon 
I hope!

I might give you a question or two if there is some things around the transifex 
that i dont get.

All the best,

2012/1/18 Hans-Christoph Steiner<>

Hey Björn,

Right now, I'm just talking about translating the interface of Pd itself.  It 
would be great to also translate the learning materials and even help patches 
too, that's a much bigger question.

For translating Pd's interface, just create an account in Transifex and edit 
the translation file, or create a new one if your language isn't there.  That's 
pretty straightforward, you'll see a list of all the English words and phrases 
used in the interface, and next to it you write the translation:

For documentation, I don't know much about tools for helping translate prose, 
but I do know that the FLOSS Manuals site is well setup to host translations.  
So perhaps a good place to start would be to make a translation of the Pure 
Data manual there.  And of course, if you find things you should update in the 
English version, please go ahead and update them as you see fit:

As for the help patches, that's a harder question right now because we don't 
have a way to host help patches of multiple languages.  It would be a matter of 
replacing all the help patches included in Pd-extended with your translated 
ones.  I suppose that could be scripted so it wouldn't be hard to do.  Ideally, 
someone will add localization support to pd patches, then each help patch could 
contain multiple languages.


On Jan 18, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Björn Eriksson wrote:

sending this offlist as I am so bad updated on the status of the translation 
works in general for Pd. As I am regulary holding Pure Data courses here in 
Sweden, then I have more than twice been thinking it would be good to start 
some translation works for Swedish... but at same time I am not interested to 
start something that seems too complicated and troublesome. So I have some 
basic questions you might answer...

1. How is the translation implemented.
2. Is it mainly the help pd files that the translation are for
3. Will it be possible to invite other contributors for the translations (into 
4. Will there be some responsibility to announce and update indifferent web 

in other words:... maybe it´s already explained and I can read more somewhere - 
or maybe you can just hit me a little?   or just answer the questions?   or i 
post this to the pd list and someone there can demystify this for me.

Surely I could look around and search for some of these answers myself, but 
just in case it´s easily answered - I am eager to listen.

All the best,

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:35 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner<>  wrote:

There seems to be a flurry of translation activity right now, with
updates to Hungarian, French, Italian, and German and new languages
added: es_ES, es_MX, ca, ko, and lv.

If you are the speaker of one of these languages, check out the updates
and make comments, suggestions, improvements, etc.

For now, the transifex project is wide open to any contributor.  We can
change that to team-based permissions if anyone wants.  Even better, if
someone could take over the admin of the transifex project and leave me
to work on other Pd things :-D


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