
Dan Scott wrote:


> I'm curious as to how many people in this group of photographers have had
> formal training in composition or have intentionally sought out info about
> it on their own?


I have no formal training, but like anybody who's read a basic
photography book I'm aware of the general principles such as the
golden section, rule of 3rds etc.

However, I have never thought about them before taking a picture and I
think that for the huge majority of people it would be a waste of time
and would lead to them thinking the picture out of existence.

For me there are 2 rules:

1. f8 and be there
2. if your pictures aren't good enough you're not close enough.

The formal rules may be useful after the event ('why is this picture
so brilliant and that one so crap?') but it's a mistake for photographers
to think when they're taking pictures.



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