Hi Shel,

You wrote:

>> Erwin wrote:

>> So if the Cosina president say's no comment,
>> this could be applicable to the LTM 43mm.

>However, if one reads Gandy's comments on the matter, he says
>that Cosina's president ~REPORTEDLY~ said "No comment."  That
>implies the remark may or may not have been made ny Cosina's
>president, and that whoever passed along the information may not
>know squat for a fact.

>This whole thread is like the "Telephone Game," where one person
>whispers a comment  to another, and that person whispers it to
>another, and so on for numerous iterations, and by the time the
>last person hears and repeats the comment it's only similar, at
>best, to the original remark.  Often it bears no resemblance to
>what was first said.

Although in general I share your feelings about this sort of gossip, I'm
afraid in this case the damage had already been done in Mike first post:
Please reread this:

COPY of Mike's original post:
>I've got a bit of a bombshell to share...well, it was a bombshell to me,
>It appears that all the new Pentax Limited lenses are in fact made by
>(a.k.a. "Voigtlaender").
>This is apparently common knowledge in Japan, at least among camera
>manufacturers and dealers. I hadn't known.
>Has this been discussed already here?

Now this posting was an ultimate example of what stupid gossip can lead too.
The words used were appears and apparently, which is quite close to hard
facts in my book, and were written by a pretty respected member of the
photographic community. Also no context was provided to remain any
differentiation with the best known Cosina products, which are the low
budget photographic stuff. (BTW also sold under the Voigtlander name in
Germany). Further the "bombshell to me" was indicating a negative effect
from this "information".

Now to me this sounded pretty unjust and damaging to the reputation of the
Limited lenses, which this amateur here is hoping to acquire once, because
of the optical and mechanical qualities AND for the pride of ownership
It was also an easy giveaway to confirm certain prejudices in certain
circles about Pentax in general, while these prejudices were possibly the
reason why the "telephone game" you mention, resulted in the sort of rumour
Mike had posted.

What we, including Mike, have done in this thread is to defuse Mike's
"bombshell", and come to a consensus that the original posting, in the form
it was given, has no legs to stand on.

The quote you took from my posting was the conclusion of an attempt to guess
a possible starting point for the rumours, which is a possible cooperation
with Cosina, the present leader in LTM lenses,  for mechanical parts and or
assembly, restricted to the Leica thread mount version of the 43mm.

My excuses for not making the "guess", "possible" and "restricted to"
sufficiently clear in my first post.

As a whole however, I have the feeling that we have done the opposite of the
"telephone game" you refer to, and Mike and others have provided plenty of
background, helping everyone to place the rumour in it's context.

BTW Shel, great review of the 43mm, looking forward to your evalution of the


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