After having owned and used a K1000, MV, ME, Me Super, LX, MX, z-10, z-1 , and now a z-1p, my favorites are still the LX and the z-1p. It's horses for courses stuff though folks.

I love using the LX for ambient light stuff...and the z-1p with an AF500FTZ kicks butt for TTL flash (especially fill with -1 or -1 1/2 stops compensation). I regularly use MF lenses on my z-1p and AF on the makes no difference to the image which body the lens is on.

One of the most popular Pentax 35mm SLR's of all time is the much underrated and maligned ME Super. I gave one to my other half for xmas last year, and she loves it. I quite often pinch it off her and take a few shots with it. They are still a lovely quiet little camera. Great for stealth inside churches with a fast lens (not that I'm inside a church more than I have to be).

I would still probably favor (just) the z-1p in an outright decision, but only because it can do just about everything any camera ever built can do. There is nothing that I could ever see myself doing that couldn't be handled by the z-1p and my stable of lenses and accessories.

The LX is just so damn nice though.....



Mike Johnston wrote:
If Pentax...would
have applied advances in autofocus, image many of you would
be still shooting with Pentax (a majority brand)? Or
would you be shooting Canon FD and poking jealous fun
at Pentax snobs <G>?

Hah! Great point.
Canon is so good at being Canon, nobody else has to be Canon....

So let me ask a hypothetical question here. Asked of everyone. IF you have
to choose between EITHER the older, metal bodied, manual focus Pentax family
(Spotmatics, M series, A series, up to LX) ***OR*** the
polycarbonate-bodied, AF Pentax family (P series, ZX series, up to
MZ-S)--and you couldn't mix and match and you couldn't use both--which would
it be?

I guess since my main Pentax is an ESII you know which way I lean.



Shaun Canning								
Cultural Heritage Services 						
High Street, Broadford,
Victoria, 3658.

Phone: 0414-967644

My images can be seen at

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