Mike - you say "...and you couldn't mix and match..."

If your hypothetical situation allows me to mix and match lenses from
different generations on the one generation body, I will go with the MZ-S
every time. I have been giving serious thought to downsizing my collection
of bodies and lenses; I have about decided that the good features of the LX
just don't get used by me all that often, and I should sell them. On the
other hand, mostly I am using K or A series lenses on my MZ-S. If your
situation required me to use F and FA lenses on the MZ-S, I would go back to
the LX.


on 12/17/02 3:30 PM, Mike Johnston at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> If Pentax...would
>> have applied advances in autofocus, image
>> stabilization...how many of you would
>> be still shooting with Pentax (a majority brand)? Or
>> would you be shooting Canon FD and poking jealous fun
>> at Pentax snobs <G>?
> Hah! Great point.
> Canon is so good at being Canon, nobody else has to be Canon....
> So let me ask a hypothetical question here. Asked of everyone. IF you have
> to choose between EITHER the older, metal bodied, manual focus Pentax family
> (Spotmatics, M series, A series, up to LX) ***OR*** the
> polycarbonate-bodied, AF Pentax family (P series, ZX series, up to
> MZ-S)--and you couldn't mix and match and you couldn't use both--which would
> it be?
> I guess since my main Pentax is an ESII you know which way I lean.
> --Mike

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