Just a thought.  Many here (but not all) like and use the older gear, to get
additional items, or replacements, they buy used equipment (not all the
time, but most I assume).  What do I think? To each his own.  More power to
you if you can really 'work' the older equipment.  Now, I'm not a perfect
example, since I've now bought 2 items used, including a manual focus lens.
However, we all talk about Pentax and their position, rank and financial,
and what they will be in the future, and really......what about that darned
DSLR?  What I'm thinking is, we as a whole group are the serious amateurs,
or professionals using Pentax.  We are somewhat representative.  If we don't
buy all the latest and greatest from Pentax, how can we expect them to
develop for us, a DSLR.  We'd be the ones with the want and money to buy
one.  But Pentax needs money and a reason to develop and manufacture and
sell worldwide a DSLR.  Are we, in general terms, helping them do that?  If
they know their real fans like the old over the new, and buy used, why put
the effort into a DSLR?  Or a better new 35mm flagship for that matter?
Just something to toss about.

[The opinions represented in this email are by no means that of the
originator of the email. <g>]

Happy Holidays!


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