I'm one of those older Pentax users who bought stuff during the screw mount
days.  I have lots of SMC Takumars that I use with my old Spotmatic and a
couple of ESII bodies.  I have some K-mount lenses to use with an old LX and
a K2DMD.  After playing with my Optio 230 I can see getting a dslr Pentax
that might retro enough to allow use of the Takumars and K-mounts.
Pentax needs to advertise more to get people to take notice of them.  They
will be a late player on the market with a dslr and need to get the word out
that it can compete.

Jim A.

> From: "Brad Dobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:50:36 -0500
> Subject: Hypothetical Question taken further...
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:50:32 -0500
> Just a thought.  Many here (but not all) like and use the older gear, to get
> additional items, or replacements, they buy used equipment (not all the
> time, but most I assume).  What do I think? To each his own.  More power to
> you if you can really 'work' the older equipment.  Now, I'm not a perfect
> example, since I've now bought 2 items used, including a manual focus lens.
> However, we all talk about Pentax and their position, rank and financial,
> and what they will be in the future, and really......what about that darned
> DSLR?  What I'm thinking is, we as a whole group are the serious amateurs,
> or professionals using Pentax.  We are somewhat representative.  If we don't
> buy all the latest and greatest from Pentax, how can we expect them to
> develop for us, a DSLR.  We'd be the ones with the want and money to buy
> one.  But Pentax needs money and a reason to develop and manufacture and
> sell worldwide a DSLR.  Are we, in general terms, helping them do that?  If
> they know their real fans like the old over the new, and buy used, why put
> the effort into a DSLR?  Or a better new 35mm flagship for that matter?
> Just something to toss about.
> [The opinions represented in this email are by no means that of the
> originator of the email. <g>]
> Happy Holidays!
> Brad

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