
I think there is one aspect where 67 beats digital.  That is in cost
for amateurs (meaning not making a living from their photography).
Until your shooting quantity goes up quite a bit, cost will probably
be one of the last strongholds of the film world for awhile.

Not only that, we live in a "good enough" society right now, where
price/cost is more important than quality.  I believe that for many
uses, 6MP D100 and D60 quality is "good enough" and that most won't
want to pay much more than that.

One more interesting note: I have watched a few photographers shooting
digital and talked with a few, who indicate that they shoot more
frames per session/subject than they did with film.  The usual cited
reason is lack of cost to shoot the frames.  By shooting more, they
insure/improve the likelihood of getting the shots they need.  Doesn't
seem to be that much different in mindset than taking a video camera
and just let it run and then pick the best frame out of it.  One
starts to wonder if that will occur (whether with a vidcam or
digicam).  It would certainly change the style and role of the


Wednesday, January 15, 2003, 3:18:47 PM, you wrote:

MJ> Can digital beat 6x7?

MJ> I thought the denizens of the PDML might be interested in these comments
MJ> from my friend Michael Reichmann, who runs the Luminous Landscape website
MJ> and publishes "The Video Journal," a photography magazine on DVD. I have
MJ> Michael's permission to quote from his private e-mails:

MJ> I'm using a Canon 1Ds. The most remarkable photographic product I've
MJ> ever owned. Almost large format image quality from 35mm. It's hard not
MJ> to sound too enthusiastic about it.

MJ> I sold my Pentax 645 outfit when I got the 1Ds. No contest.

MJ> I have hung on to the Pentax 67 for the past couple of months, but with
MJ> every test I did, including side by side shoots the 1Ds images always
MJ> came out on top; resolution, colour purity, grain, everything.

MJ> So last week I took it all to my favourite online dealer and he's going
MJ> to be selling it for me.

MJ> I'm hanging on to my Hasselblad XPan and M Leica gear. Other than that
MJ> I'm now all digital.
MJ> <<<<

MJ> Michael favorably reviewed both the Pentax 645N and 67 on his site, and has
MJ> used both extensively in the field along with his previous Rollei 6008
MJ> system. In parallel, he was going digital with the D30 when it came out.

MJ> By the way, when Michael says "every test I did, including side by side
MJ> shoots," he really means it--he actually runs the tests and looks at the
MJ> results. In my experience of him, he truly has no particular axe to grind.

MJ> Looks like it's really getting to be a new world now.

MJ> --Mike

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