read the article. it gives several things you have to do to achieve super resolution 
(equated to sharpness here): superb lens wide open performance, tripod, slide film, 
ideal lighting, nearby subject. if you don't shoot slide film, use a tripod, have a 
nearby subject, or shoot wide open, then focusing accuracy isn't going to be your main 
determiner of sharpness.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lukasz Kacperczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 19:10
Subject: Re: AF vs. MF [was: Re: Bessaflex in M42 mount]

> But closer distances bring shallower depth of field and therefore are better
> for testing focusing accuracy - tested on a subject positioned 20m from the
> camera would be sensless IMO.

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