you're picking a few samples and making the statements. the entire PUG is more 
representative, but not entirely. you are asserting that it can't be as good without 
trying to show counterexamples where it fails to be as good. did someone with an MZ-S 
try taking the same pictures with AF and comparing using the same lens? it has focus 
confirmation. assuming enough light, none of the three examples you showed demonstrate 
anything that i haven't done with AF. unfortunately, none of the my pictures qualify 
for PUG because they were taken with non-Pentax equipment. near field obscuration and 
distracting backgrounds? that is what macro and landscape focus priorities were 
invented for. does that mean that AF is perfect? no, but as i said in my first 
response, there are specific circumstances where MF will consistently outperform AF, 
but they are limited. the rest of the time, there is no advantage to MF and lots of 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Caveman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 21:53
Subject: Re: AF vs. MF [was: Re: Bessaflex in M42 mount]

> But let's evaluate these:
> They're just some humble PUG contributions, not some intricate 
> "laboratory tests".

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