On March 18, 2003 02:58 am, Roland Mabo wrote:
> From: Nick Zentena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 17:12:55 -0500
> >
> >     Great now define the market. Ask 100 people here and I bet >you'll get
> > 101 different answers. Maybe 201.
> Since many are choosing Canon or Nikon because of the support for USM and
> IS, and since many are leaving Pentax because of the lack of USM and IS (we
> have seen this in this forum lately...) - it's clear that the majority of
> the customers wants USM and IS.
> It's rare that Canon and Nikon users switch to Pentax, but it's common that
> Pentax users switches to Canon or Nikon.

        Majority of people are choosing disposable cameras. I'm guessing they don't 
have either USM or IS.  Like I said before define your market. Pentax doesn't 
need to provide a camera for everybody in the world. Canon doesn't have 
anything in either MF or LF. Nikon nothing in MF. Pentax nothing in LF. They 
provide what they think they can sell and make money at.


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