Have you thought of having someone from your local newspaper come out to do
a story? There's nothing like a little public embarassment to get things
moving. Does anyone around you have this same situation?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr E D F Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: The Heat and Sand

We have spoken to the health inspectors. They come and measure the sound
levels from time to time. But before they arrive with their equipment
someone always lets the company know ... and magically the noise drops to
reasonable levels, or even stops completely. This has been going on for
years. But now that the dunes have been moved to our border things are
really bad. Sand and noise all day and half the night. Their permit allows
work from 5 am to 10 pm, but they sometimes go on past midnight. And where
do you find an inspector at that time? I've written to the Environmental
Minister directly, twice, over the last five or six years and she, then he,
didn't even bother to acknowledge my letters. The European Union is our only
hope in all this and I'm busy trying to find out how things should be done.
I have a friend in the Jyväskylä Environmental Centre and he has tried to
help ... to no avail. Money is all that matters around here. Our few
beautiful hectares are becoming a worthless nightmare and we have no
alternative. All the plants in Aino's lovely garden are white with sand
almost all the time.

And its getting hotter by the minute ... 30.5C in this room now.


Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Stoddart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: The Heat and Sand

> > snipped lots of environmental problems <
> Don,
> Doesn't Finland have an equivalent of the UK's  Health & Safety
> Executive? Or the local council an Environmental Health Department (yes, I
> noticed what you put about the Mayor and politics). I am sure here that a
> complaint to one of the above would yield an investigation and for the
> noise alone they would shut them down except for the hours between
> 8am-6.30pm. As for the rest, have you tried looking for EU Health and
> Safety regulations? I am sure Finland is a signatory, so they HAVE to
> enforce EU guidelines. I hope you can make some inroads 'cos right now
> your house sounds like not a fun place to live.
> Chris

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