
I've just come back from a walk right around that dreadful place with a
camera. I just downloaded the pictures and they're good. I'm going to set up
a proper web site with the whole story and get in touch with the right
people after that. The stuff I've already put up was a very rough and ready
effort just to show certain people what was going on. I sent them each a two
page description of the situation, including information about the size
range and identification of the sand grains.

Whether sand falls on us depends entirely on the wind strength and
direction. Anything over a metre or two per second from the North or
North-West and we get it. Sometimes really badly. About eight days ago I
could hardly see across this yard and everything, the house, the car, the
garden furniture and all the plants in the garden was covered with fine
white sand. The lawn looked like snow had fallen on it.

I'm taking this matter seriously now and won't rest until it is sorted out.


Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jostein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: The Heat and Sand

> On 18 Jul 2003 at 11:56, Dr E D F Williams wrote:
> [...]
> > Silicosis is nasty.
> [...]
> Don,
> I'm sorry I don't know much about the health effects of inhaling
> quartz sand, but from what you describe I can imagine it increases
> the risk of lung oedema and cols as well as irritation-induced
> cancer.
> You have done a good job documenting what happens to your person and
> your property. What if you went to the press with it? Or confronted
> the cement company with the prospect of doing it?
> Are there any options for the company to reduce your problems? I
> would guess the fall-out on your premises vary with wind-direction.
> Perhaps it's possible to strike a deal with them as to how they use
> their area depending on the prevailing winds? Long shot, maybe, but
> I'm just trying to sidle up to the problem sideways, sort of... :-)
> cheers,
> Jostein
> --
> Photos at: http://www.oksne.net
> AutoPug author.
> Submit your images at:
> http://www.oksne.net/autoPug/PugForm.asp
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

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