cwo 20995 wrote:

> Why a photographer should spend (let´s say) US$1000 on a MZ-S if he
> can have the same features (I don´t agree that they have the same
> features but it´s ok) on a F90X or F100 for the same price, plus a
> wide range of  lenses, electronic / mechanical bodies and accessories
> that Pentax doesn´t offer?

You got it totally mixed up. You'd better write:

Why a photographer should spend (let's say) US$1000 on a F90X or F100 if
he can have a wiser choice of features in a much smaller, more
lightweight yet more durable body with a great user interface on a
PENTAX MZ-S for the same price, plus fully compatible used bodies like
the great MX and the even greater LX, plus a wide range of great, fully
compatible used as well as new lenses that C**** and N**** do not offer,
plus the accessories, that PENTAX does offer for the MZ-S?


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