"J. C. O'Connell" wrote:
> Even the best 35mm film is only about 200 lp/mm.
> Even using an excellent lens of 200 lp/mm results
> in a film/lens combination of only 100 lp/mm.

Huh?  Two times excellent equals only 1/2 of excellent?

In the first place, where, pray tell, would you GET this so-called
"excellent lens," capable of resolving 200 line pairs per mm?
I know of no consumer level lens capable of that level of resolution.
Understand, JC, I'm not calling you out. I really want to know!
> The film DOES affect the result, even the best films....

Of course, you're right. I agree, but the question remains.
If you can find a film that consistently delivers a resolution of 200
lp/mm, what are you going to use to impress an image on a frame or two?
No, I mean a lens available to the average photographer?
Even a rich professional photographer?

keith whaley

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