----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell"
Subject: RE: Lens resolution

> There are lenses capable of several hundred lp/mm but this is
> measured with an aerial image and 1000:1 contrast target.
> You also need to use a single wavelength of light and special
> fast lenses (stopping down reduces resolution).

This bears no resemblance to real world photography.
> The film with 200lp/mm resolution is TMAX 100, technical pan is even
> better.

T-Max 100 is 63 l/mm (not lppm) at what is considered real world subject
contrast. I know you are correct about Tech Pan, but the numbers are hard to
get as Kodak doesn't like to publish them.

> I have heard of a few lens/film combinations reaching 100 lp/mm
> so it is possible. I think it was some of the 90/100mm macros
> on tech pan.

It's possible, I just don't think it likely outside of a laboratory setting.

> Of course the easist solution to get true high resolution photographs
> is to use LARGE FORMAT. With 35mm you are in an endless pursuit
> of mediocrity...


William Robb

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