Nope.  Boosting ISO to get the shutter speed you want causes
underexposure, all else being equal.  You should not, repeat:
NOT adjust ISO to boost your shutter speed just to keep hand-holding.


Ramesh Kumar wrote:
Let me make it clear..
Say I am using 100mm lens and I also want aperture to
be f8. With this setting shutter speed is too low to
take handheld shots, in such cases i can just increase the ISO till shutter speed becomes more than
1/200sec. Thus I can avoid tripod.

Yes, if you deliberately want a long exposure then you
need a tripod. Same goes to night photography


--- Herb Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

amateur or pro has nothing to do with it. depends on
what you do. i shoot
many exposures in the 10 second range.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ramesh Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 1:43 PM
Subject: Tripods usage with DSLR

In outdoor photography, for an amature


if the focal length of the lens is less than

135mm, I

think tripod may not be a real necessicity.

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