On 17/9/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>istD or any equivalent DSLR seems to reproduce decent
>outputs at higher ISO(say 400+) speeds. 
>In outdoor photography, for an amature photographer,
>if the focal length of the lens is less than 135mm, I
>think tripod may not be a real necessicity.
>This comes as big relief for me because I need not
>have to carry my 3KG tripod for hiking.
>I agree tripod is needed for long teles like 300mm/2.8
>because their weight makes it difficult to do handheld
>I would like hear other opinion on this.

Au contraire mon frere.

In fact because the effective focal length is increased on each lens due
to the smaller sensor size (on less than 'full-frame' sensor cameras), a
tripod may become more essential, depending on the type of photography done.

So a 50mm lens acts like a 75 or 80mm lens, and the old yard stick of 1/
50th of a second handheld on this lens would not apply. It would be 1/
75th or so.

I shoot landscapes on a DSLR and just as with film, a tripod is pretty
much essential kit.

The difference is, when I stop for a pint, I can switch to 800 ISO on the
same camera / lens and shoot available light characters supping beer.

To be honest, I find the same photographic principles apply to digital as
they do to film in practice. Which makes the transition on the ground
much easier...


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