> I can't see spending $1500 for a six megapixel camera.
> In two or three years it will be a paperweight.

No.  In two or three years it will still produce 6MP images.
That's more than enough for most purposes; it's a full-frame
8x10 print at 300ppi.  Unless you're shooting on a tripod, at
optimal lens aperture, 6MP isn't going to be the weak link.

I'm still using a three-year-old digital point-and-shoot that
only has a paltry 3.3MP, and a lens that isn't anywhere near as
good as my Pentax glass.  I'm not ready to consign it to life
as a paperweight just yet, though.

And, of course, in three years it's not that hard for even a
$1500 camera to pay for itself; my normal film is Provia 100F.
Processed and mounted I don't get all that much change from $20
for a single roll (though there are discounts for quantity).
I'll shoot more than 100 rolls over a three-year period; using
a digital body instead means I'll actually be spending less.

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