LOL! Now if it turned it into a 300 then that would be fine...

Out of interest, who uses focal lengths between 110 and 190 regularly?
And what for?  I find them too tight for portraits (unless I was outside
I guuess, where I could back up farther) and not long enough to be a
useful telephoto.  Same goes for the 30-60 range for me.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 15 October 2003 22:43
> Subject: RE: Has Pentax missed again?
> >The FA50 1.4 is lovely.  Had no use for that focal length 
> before, but 
> >with the 1.5 factor it(or the 43) was a must.  My 
> unhappiness with the 
> >77 has nothing to do with the picture quality, just that my 
> favourite 
> >lens now has a focal length that it of little use to me.
> And who says longer is better?  :-)
> Alan Chan
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