> Cotty wrote:
> C> Rob, I bet you are soooooooooo relieved you didn't cave in to the Sigma
> C> DSLR a while back ;-) The *ist D is a little cutey.
>   Yes, a nice box but still a box around the sensor. And the cutey thing
>   in Sigma is that Foveon sensor, something I wish to see in a Pentax
>   too at some point in the future. Hopefully the agreement between Foveon
>   and Sigma expires soon and the X3 sensors proliferates. It's best
>   thing that happened in the imaging industry since the colour film.

I agree.  I was lucky enough to attend a technical presentation on the Foveon
sensor shortly before the Sigma camera was released (they had cameras there,
but the model number was obscured).  It's quite a stunning sensor, even
allowing for the fact that the presentation was obviously designed to show
off the Foveon technology in the best possible light.

Unfortunately the presenter (and chief Foveon technologist, I believe)
tends to rather overstate his case.  Instead of merely claiming that
their sensor is comparable to the performance of 35mm film, he instead
wants you to believe that it out-performs medium format cameras as well.

The end result, of course, (apart from embarrassing some of his other
techies, who were also photographers) is that there is a temptation to
ignore the whole set of claims because of this obvious exaggeration.
That's a mistake, but it's all too easy a mistake to make.

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