----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Alling"
Subject: Re: Has Pentax missed again?

> Since we don't have a Native SLR industry, (or for that matter camera
> manufacturers)
> they can't be accused of dumping.

Well, not quite.
Dumping is classified under GATT as selling a good for less than the cost of
producing it.

It is a problem when there is a native industry in competition.

As soon as there is competition, then the accusations of dumping come along,
and absurdly punitive duties get imposed.
And the WTO paases its rulings, generally against the duties, and then the
rulings get ignored, or else yet another set of duties gets imposed.
And it goes on and on and on.

It's only dumping when it is unhandy for you.

William Robb

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