Robert Gonzalez wrote:

> > 5. Full frame sensor? Nope, don't think that is important to me.
> Cm'on don't you want to use your 15mm rectilinear in all its glory!! :)

That one's reasonably important to me, because I do have a 15mm.  For the 
time being I'd be happy to keep my trusty old K2 for the ultrawide stuff.

> Ok, my apologies, I'm an Electrical Engineer who writes software, so my
> perspective is heavily biased towards this little window on the world. ;)

Good to see another EE on the list ;)  I am more of a hardware guy who 
writes software on the side.

> 1. I'd like to see alot of wireless stuff, like making the camera a
> wireless TCP/IP node that I could download the images off of.

How about making it a node which automatically uploads images into a 
settable location on a fileserver while you shoot?  Just think - keep a 
server in the studio or even a laptop in the car if you're outdoors 
(parked in the shade!).  How about letting it interface direct to a 
wireless-enabled ipod in your pocket?  These are all very exciting 
possibilities.  You could shoot RAW all day and never need to worry about 

> 9. Some type of physical or electrical means of attaching a separate unit
> to cool the CCD. This sucks up alot of power, so it would have to be
> something external. Ideally they could stick a peltier chip behind the CCD
> with an external power connector. this would allow much lower noise
> pictures for special applications, like astrophotograpy or long exposures.

Not such a bad idea, assuming that most of the noise is thermally 
generated.  The problem with peltier chips is that they require a 
reasonable amount of power to operate so battery life would be quite 

> 10. Use the LCD for more useful stuff, like turning it into a PDA with the
> little stylus on the side. Just kidding. ;)

I just bought a digital camera with a built-in PDA.  Oops - I mean a PDA 
with built-in camera.  Quite handy little things despite the camera being 
only 640x480.  I like the concept of the new Treo 600 but I guess you'd 
really want a handsfree kit or you wouldn't be able to take notes while 

I seem to recall that someone ported Doom to a commonly-used digital 
camera operating system.  But if I get a DSLR I'd be more interested in 
taking photos with it :)


- Dave

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