Hi Marnie,

The Zenitar is a great lens, not only for the price. It does
show a wonderful color rendition and a very good sharpness (when
stopped down, of course). The flare control is *almost* on the
same league of a SMC lens. Well built, although you may
experience sample variations. When I travel I always have it in
the bag, just in case. I regret a lot when I forget to bring it
with me. 
Think that when I lost almost all my equipment (stolen, eight
years ago) the first lens after the 50mm and 100mm I wanted to
buy again was the Zenitar.
About the distorsion, a fish eye is simply a lens not corrected
wrt this... Every full frame fish eye of the same FL will show
more or less the same distorsion. 
Hope this helps.



----- Original Message ----- 
> I've been think about getting a Zenitar fish eye (16mm).
Screwmount, it would 
> work on my Canon Elan 7e (with the adapter that I already got
for the Super 
> Tak 35mm 3.5). Evidentially higher priced/better fish eyes
have a lot less 
> distortion, etc., etc.
> But it might be fun to play around with.
> Complete waste of time or not?
> Marnie aka Doe :-)

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