On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Butch Black wrote:

> Previously written;
> Speaking from the clerk's POV, I always ask for clarification.  People
> phrase things in different ways, and I have no idea if they're referring
> to using the full frame of the negative or the paper.
> Of course where it gets fun is when you make an 8x10 per customers
> instruction, they complain that it's cropped, you make them an 8x12 they
> complain that it won't fit in their frame, you make them a 6.66 or 7x10 and
> they complain about the borders. You tell them those are the only options
> available and they'll argue for half an hour that they have had a full frame
> 8x10 with no cropping or borders done before. I've always wanted to work in
> a lab that had a Photoshop workstation so I could give them what they wanted
> and see the horrified look on their faces when they view their noticeably
> distorted picture. I need to get out of this industry.
> Butch

Yup, I hear you.  I had a guy the other day who wanted a poster-sized
enlargement made from his APS 4x12 print.  I told him we could make a
12x36 print for him, but he wanted either a 20x30 or a 24x36.  I explained
that we could crop out at least half of his photo and do that, but he
didn't want anything cropped, nor did he want borders.  I finally got him
to visualize what his options were, and he got the idea and decided
against it.  I didn't even have to go into the quality of the photo and
how his enlargement would likely turn out.  :)


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