On 9/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>I am invited to be a video/photo shooter on our companies weekly
>basketball games. Since I have no experience whatsoever in shooting
>things like that, I have my share of questions (only for photo part
>1. Do I need flash, or is window light and hall lights are going to be

Depends on lighting type. Sodium discharge lamps are revolting and have a
colour temp at something ridiculous like 2.5K - yuck. Flourescent
lighting is better but far from ideal. I would not use flash ever in a
sports tournament, ever. Even a friendly between amateurs, it's just bad form.

>2. Which lens(es)? My choice is 24, 35, 50, 135, 28-135, and 70-200.
>The ultimate goal is probably no more than 10x15 (cm, not inches)
>prints, so that I think I would do it handheld. Also I would be able
>to get quite close to the players, since these are my co-workers, but
>not too close of course <grin>.

Fast film and fast lens. Obviously you won't have time to change lenses,
so think of at least 2 bodies. One with the 24mm on - you can effectively
wave it about under the net almost, shooting from the hip, or the ground,
pre-focussed, get some wide wacky perspectives. The 70-200 will be good
for when the pack is down at the far end. Personally I wouldn't bother
with body number three, but you could always use a fast 50mm for mid
shots, close to. Or alternate bodies for film changing - have an
assistant changing the film, providing you with freshly loaded bodies as
a matter of course.

>3. Technique - pre-focus is necessary I think. As for exposure -
>either flash, or 1/125 or so speed and whatever aperture the light
>gives... Any other, more educated, suggestions?

Available light, 800 ISO, maybe even higher! The 70-200 will need a
faster speed, brace the camera by leaning on something (near post?) when
using it. The wide lens obviously can use slower speed - why not
experiment - try 1/15th or even 1/8th for some interesting blurry action

Extra - for a team shot why not get some ladders and get above the net
and get the players crowded around underneath looking up at the camera,
one sticking the ball in (use flash here obviously)...



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