
C> Depends on lighting type. Sodium discharge lamps are revolting and have a
C> colour temp at something ridiculous like 2.5K - yuck. Flourescent
C> lighting is better but far from ideal. I would not use flash ever in a
C> sports tournament, ever. Even a friendly between amateurs, it's just bad form.

Since this is my co-workers who's gonna be playing, I just asked each
of them personally, would they not mind if I shot them with flash.
All, no exception agreed to flash. At worst, they would just have to
kindly ask me to put flash away.

I am bringing 200 film (sorry, no faster film in this fridge, and they
won't accept TMAX 400 for an answer), K24, FA 50, Tak B 135 (all quite
fast lenses) and one of the folks brings 75-210 or so/3.8 by Sigma
just in case. I am taking my ZX-L, and AF 220T flash that I borrowed.
This is the best I could come up with.

Now everything is in the hands of my fellows. Well, actually,
everything now depends on the ball... <big grin>

If the outcome would be worthy I would post some of the shots for your

You've been quite a helpful bunch, as usual.

May the (light) force be with me... <VBG>


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