On 27/12/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>1. who on the list currently has a darkroom.


>2. is it a permanent darkroom, or do you have to set it up each time you
>use it?

Each time I use it.

>3. do you do B&W, or color, or both?

B&W only.

>4. who besides TV has junked their darkroom for digital.

It's all in a plastic box, been sitting in a dusty corner for over a year
now. And to be fair, I only used to process the film. The last time I
printed must be about 1978 in my father's darkroom (used for
manufacturing processes involving printed circuit boards - I had a
corner). Before that it was at art college. It was fun, but I don't miss
it one bit. Smelly places and fixer always got into your sandwich no
matter how many times you washed your hands. Slow, dark, torrid places.
You can tell I'm big on instant gratification ;-)

I have a deep admiration for good wet printers - just would rather not
myself. I'd been waiting for digital since about 1992.

Maybe l when I'm old and haggard (hang on, I *am* old and haggard) I'll
want to have another go, after I've shot some sheet film in an ancient
wooden plate camera :-)


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