I was surprised to find the budget so low.  You'd think the photography
budget for advertising/promotional needs would be a lot greater.

You have some great shots there, Tanya.  I don't like some of the
chair/grass ones as much, possibly because the position of the camera and
the angle of view make them look like typical look-down-and-shoot
snapshots.  I really like most of your shots, though, and I think your
client is getting much better work than they expected, and certainly much
more than they're paying for.  :)


On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Bill D. Casselberry wrote:

> frank theriault wrote:
> > Tanya,
> > That's great stuff, IMHO.  No wonder your client was thrilled.
> > I'd have been, too.
>       I suspect that her client was thrilled more due to getting
>       so much work from her on a project budgeted for four rolls
>       of film - hopefully they will see fit to pay her the extra
>       money she deserves for her efforts and results.
>       Bill
>         ---------------------------------------------------------
>         Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast
>                                 http://www.orednet.org/~bcasselb
>                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         ---------------------------------------------------------

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