----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mapson"
Subject: Ergonomics of *istD

> Let's talk about points to improve for *istD MkII
> the buttons is one, then we have:
> * the card door/flap catches on strap
> * the green button too  far from trigger, actually to be used by wrong
> * ISO/WB & program settings on the same wheel
> * camera too small - with grip is OK - my wife says the same thing
> * central hotshoe - unables use of rtf and external flash

The rocker switch is awful.
The card door and card removal is less than desirable.
I don't mind the control wheel and all it's functions. It keeps the number
of buttons and what not down to a managable level. I hate excessive buttons.
If I want to use a big camera, I have a 6x7. Digital emulates 35mm, and
should be sized accordingly. I wouldn't want the ist D to be any bigger.
The central hot shoe serves a purpose. You can, with it, take a flash
picture with the shadow falling behind the subject rather than beside. Move
the hot shoe off the lens axis and you can no longer do that.

William Robb

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