Christian said:
> > This was one of the concerns I have wondered about, I do love my camera
> > be big and chunky and to look like a professional camera rather than a
> > version.
> >
> >
> > tan.
> Is it time to start THAT thread again?  So small is definately
> "non-proffessional" regardless of feature set, right? ;-)
> I guess my LX and MX were toys....  <VBG>  Of course there are some on
> list that would call all 35mm SLRs toys...
> Christian"

Naah, that's not *really* what I was getting at Christian, it is totally
about personal preference and I have seen many a professional wedding
photographer sporting old Canon, Nikon *and* Pentax SLR's around their necks
that are older than I am!

Of course you are totally correct that many who call themselves
"professionals" would never consider anything but MF for a wedding....

My main point was that *I* have tiny, weeny hands (people comment on how
small they are all the time), and scrawny little arms, and yet even *I* find
some of the MZ range feeling as though I am wielding not much more than a
p&s.  My Mz-6 with the FA50mm 1.7 is a perfect example of this.  Mind you,
must admit that it *is* much easier for me to handhold in lowlight...

I never was one that took to the little credit card sized mobile phones
either though, just another thing for me that would become too easy to lose
and abuse, and I would *never* do that to a Pentax....  <vbg>


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