
> Wow, must not be in Utah.

France and England. When I was 14 I went with a school friend to stay
with our pen-friends in Reims. We were looking forward to 2 weeks of
binge-drinking and chasing French girls. Turned out our pen-friends'
family was Mormon. We were very disappointed. They dragged us along to
the temple on Sundays and we took communion. We were quite excited at
first, but they turned the wine into water. Even then I was an atheist.

Luckily they were not too strict on other dietary matters. They had bought
a teapot and some tea especially for us. They brewed up and served it to us
at 5 o'clock precisely every day, and watched while we drank it.

Later one of my friends - not a Mormon - married into a Mormon family.
The wedding took place in the temple in Leeds, UK. As far as I know,
nobody was excluded for not being a Mormon. Certainly all her family
and friends were there. The reception was in a different place. Very
strange, a wedding reception with no booze.


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